PerlMonks Addiction

Limbic Region on 2004-07-07T14:11:58

In 4 days I will reach my 2 year anniversary with Perl and with PerlMonks. I am spending some time reflecting on that and have discovered that I am an addict. I am addicted to PerlMonks. I would care to wager I log in 340+ days a year.

Each day I check the birthday page and send a personal bday greeting as long as the monk has logged in within the last few months. It is my way of getting to know my fellow monks I may not interface with on a regular basis.

Though I am not obsessed with XP I have been an XP whore in the past. I am quite proud of the fact that I am in the top 50 monks ranked by XP. I went nearly a year and a half before I had a single node with negative reputation. I have written code to determine how many monks that started after me have exceeded me in XP (a total of 7).

I am often in the top 10 of CB chatters: I have met quite a few monks in person outside of conventions - a complete list is maintained on my homenode. I feel as though I "know" the regulars in the CB and remember personal information about them. When I am having a problem I know who happens to be an expert at that particular problem. Heck, I have even set up a couple of monks with members of the opposite sex before.

I contribute to the Offering Plate, I advocate the Monastery to anyone and everyone who will listen to me. When people ask questions in #perl or #perlhelp I refer them to threads at the Monastery.

Plain and simple I am an addict. I wrote a tutorial the other day simply because the idea popped into my head since I had answered the question so many times.

I don't feel that I need help - I don't see this as an unhealthy addiction - please do not plan an intervention for me - I can stop anytime I like - really - honestly :-)

Cheers Limbic~Region

I've been there

btilly on 2004-07-08T15:15:47

The difference being that I now know that I can stop. And only do perlmonks when I don't have more important things going on in my life...